
Draw Messi sketch using python :-

 Input / source code:  from sketchpy import canvas obj = canvas . sketch_from_image ( 'C: \\ Users \\ KOUSHIK \\ Desktop \\ Kingmessi \\ kingmessi.jpg' ) obj . draw () Steps : 1. First , you have to download a pic of Messi in jpg or jpeg format.  2. Then save that pic in desktop location . 3. Now create a new folder and paste that saved pic in that new folder . 4. Now open your VS code editor , go to file option and open new folder from desktop location and open the folder that you have created recently . 5. Now , create a python file inside the folder with proper extension . 6. Now , go to the terminal and add new terminal and install sketchpy package  write the command - pip install sketchpy  7.  Now , back to the workspace and write your code that I have alraedy provided you  8. save the code & run it . Output:   Suggestion Video Link :

create spotify logo in python -

 source code in python : import turtle as t t . Screen (). bgcolor ( "Black" ) t . speed ( 15 ) t . begin_fill () t . fillcolor ( '#1DB954' ) t . pencolor ( "#1DB954" ) t . pensize ( 0 ) t . circle ( 100 ) t . end_fill () t . penup () t . goto ( 40 , 50 ) t . pendown () t . left ( 150 ) t . forward ( 0 ) t . pensize ( 15 ) t . pencolor ( 'black' ) t . circle ( 80 , 60 ) t . penup () t . goto ( 50 , 85 ) t . pendown () t . pensize ( 17 ) t . right ( 60 ) t . forward ( 0 ) t . circle ( 100 , 60 ) t . penup () t . goto ( 60 , 120 ) t . pendown () t . pensize ( 20 ) t . right ( 60 ) t . forward ( 0 ) t . circle ( 120 , 60 ) t . penup () t . goto ( 130 , 55 ) t . pendown () t . color ( "#1DB954" ) t . write ( "Spotify" , font =( "Arial" , 30 , "bold" )) t . done () Output:

Impress your special one with JAVA pattern

 Code : // create class HeartPatternExample1 that will print Heart pattern public class HeartPatternExample1 { // main() method start public static void main (String[] args) { // declare and initialize variable for output size final int size = 4 ; // nested for loop to print the upper part of Heart for ( int m = 0 ; m < size ; m++) { for ( int n = 0 ; n <= 4 * size ; n++) { double pos1 = Math. sqrt (Math. pow (m - size , 2 ) + Math. pow (n - size , 2 )) ; double pos2 = Math. sqrt (Math. pow (m - size , 2 ) + Math. pow (n - 3 * size , 2 )) ; if (pos1 < size + 0.5 || pos2 < size + 0.5 ) { System. out .print( '*' ) ; } else { System. out .print( ' ' ) ; } } System. out .print(System. lineSeparator ()) ; } // for loop to print the lower part of Hear

Continue statement in C

  Problem - Continue  Statement in C  Continue statement is used to continue the next iteration of the loops. Basically , Continue is a keyword in C  Problem solving - code- #include<stdio.h>   int main() {   int i=1;   //initializing a local variable         //starting a loop from 1 to 10     for(i=1;i<=10;i++) {       if(i==5) //if value of i is equal to 5, it will continue the loop  {       continue;  //continue the next iteration in loop   }     printf("%d\n",i);     } return 0;   }  N.B.       This code has written in Dev c ++ Editor . Output :  1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 -------------------------------- Process exited after 0.2832 seconds with return value 0 Press any key to continue . . . Our YT channel link : Our Telegram Group link : Our Instagram link :                                                                   Thanks for wasting your valuable time ....

Draw Iron Man Face with python -

  source code -(This code is written in pycharm editor ) from sketchpy import library as lib  obj = lib.rdj() obj.draw() Source code - output- NOTE:- Pls write a command pip  install sketchpy in your terminal or in command prompt in your system before run this code .

simple program about else -if statement :-

source code :- output:- --------THANKS FOR  VISITING THIS PAGE 

How to generate your own QR code using Python :-

 source code :(This code has been written in  pycharm editor ) import qrcode as qr img=qr.make("")"my qr code.png") output:(QR code ):